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  • Category:BitFlow
  • Visits: 349 Clicked
  • Date:2023-10-23 14:24:35
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The Differential Solution

Simplify your industrial, medical, or semiconductor imaging application with BitFlow’s Neon-DIF, the easiest to use and most reliable differential frame grabber available anywhere. The Neon-DIF captures images at speeds up to the camera’s highest frame/data rate, with precision image acquisition suitable for the most demanding applications.

The Neon-DIF is designed for the OEM customer looking for the performance of the PCI Express bus, a differential interface, and one of the lowest price points in the industry. The target markets are applications where the current frame grabber is no longer available but the camera and application are still important. Another niche that this product fills is differential applications where the PC needs upgrading, but the frame grabber has a PCI interface. Motherboards with PCI slots are getting harder and harder to find. Finally, customers who want to port their application to 64-bit Windows are finding that their differential frame grabbers are not supported on newer operating systems. The Neon-DIF can handle all of these situations.

The Neon-DIF is not just for legacy situations, however. There are still a tremendous number of devices that output differential data that may not even be cameras. The Neon-DIF can acquire from just about anything and efficiently DMA the data into host memory.

Adding the Neon-DIF to your application is simple with our SDK, which supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The SDK provides high level APIs for sophisticated buffer management and low-level direct access to the board for speedy custom control.


  • 32-bit differential interface

  • Accepts LVDS (RS644) and RS-422 signals

  • Programmable clock output

  • Connector pin-out compatible with BitFlow’s Road Runner and R3-Dif families

  • Compatible with cables used with Road Runner and R3-Dif

  • Serial communication support on main connector

  • Half-Size x4 PCI Express Board

  • Acquire up to 32 bits at 85 MHz

  • I/O on internal connector, accessory cables available to bring signals out of PC

  • FlowThru technology means that no on-board memory is needed, even with the fastest cameras

  • DMA at data rates up to 528 MB/S

  • Supports images up to 256K x 128K

  • No frame rate limit

  • Triggers and encoders for external control of acquisition

  • Programmable signal generator for camera control

  • Sophisticated triggering modes for complex applications

  • Acquire variable length frames with line scan cameras

  • Quadrature encoder support including sophisticated triggering schemes

  • Encoder divider/multiplier

  • On board timing generator supports high-resolution exposure control

  • Drivers, utilities, and examples for Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7/10

  • Supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms

  • Drivers for most 3rd party processing environments

  • Acquire image sequences well beyond the 4GB barrier

  • RoHS compliant


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